Well, I'm writing this page at claw-point. The cats tell me they have been patient as long as they possibly can be, and it is time that I gave them proper homage. (homage was the word THEY used not ME!)

However, to abate their present huffiness....I will give you a little history of my "landlords". To see these gracious creatures who let me and mine live with them and some of their friends click


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Our oldest and dearest friend...Calvin Sebastian

Calvin was born on November 11, 1989.....he was the cutest little furrball of the litter, too. (I know this, because I saw the whole litter). Calvin is a beautiful Seal-point Himalayan cat. His favorite pass times are: playing with bubble gum (still in the wrapper), complaining to me, running from the child, and sleeping in the middle of the waterbed.

Congratulations Calvin!!!

Callie is the proud winner of 2 wonderful ribbons in the CLAW Virtual Cat show!! He placed 2nd in the Registered Males Catagory, Division 1 and placed 3rd in the Novelty and Groups Catagory Division 3!! We are PROUD to display his ribbons here!

Our other present resident....Lil' Bleu Belle

Bleu was born on April 15, 1991...one day after my 21st birthday. She and her brother were born looking like 2 cute little lab mice. She has, however, grown out of that phase. While she and Maxx (to be spoken of later) were kittens they had the names "Monster and Rotten"...where ever Monster went...Rotten followed. They were certainly a pair to be dealt with. Bleu is a pretty little blue point himi (that's the same thing as a himalayans for you laymen out there). Bleu's favorite passtimes are: sleeping...anywhere, running from the child, purring in your face, and she loves to listen to someone whistling. (go figure)

Some Sad News
In March of 1999, shortly after I came home from a trip to Pennsylvania, my Lil' Bleu Belle took very ill. Due to a serious kidney failure, my Bleu was put to sleep and went to join my others to Play with the Angels.

She is greatly missed.
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Aim High!
Yank My Chain!
The Elixer of the Heavens!
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Some Former Residents
I couldn't do a kitty page without listing my former landlord loves. These are my kitties that have go on...in the most peaceful sense. And, of course, I have to list them all, since I can't just pick a few.

The cat that started it all: Melzar.
It only took me 16 years to convince my mother that I was a cat person and really needed a kitty in my life. My oldest and dearest friend (human one, that is) just happened to have a siamese female that had just had kittens. Well, I feel in love with this little guy from the day he was born...Carrie insisted on showing me the kittens then. From that moment, myself and the whole Ogle family (Carrie's Mom included) started to work on my mother. Well, Mel came to live with us. It was a wonderful year. He moved right in and promptly climbed my dad's leg. Claimed our dog as his Mom-Away-From-Mom and settled in to taking over our household. He was truely my first love. I miss him a great deal...still. He was the only cat I had that loved to hear me practice the piano....so much so he just HAD to join in. Mel was a georgeous Seal point siamese....and a very big cat. He weighed nearly 15 pounds.

The cat that followed: Leisel
When we brought Lei home, he looked like he was going to be a pure white kitty with bright blue eyes...and we thought he was female. We were wrong on many counts. He turned out to have a tail that was ringed like a raccoons...light beige ears, with bright blue eyes...and umm, he wasn't female. Lei wasn't the brightest cat in the world, but he sure was sweet. And, he's the only one I've ever had to play fetch....of course I was a cruel teenager and found it great fun to play this game with him on hardwood floors. He'd go sliding into the wall, pick the ball up and keep bringing it back to me. He was great fun. I miss him, too.

Then came Baudron's Sarah
As Calvin got older...and prettier, we decided we wanted to find him a girlfriend. Sarah was the one we brought home. She was a pretty little Tortie point Himi. Sarah was a shy cat who hated Andy. She and Andy just couldn't seem to work out a relationship besides one of extreem dislike. I have never seen a human and animal go after each other the way those two did. Anyone who has the nerve to say that cats are not vindictive animals needs to have Sarah ticked off at them. She would most certainly change their minds. I am very glad she was always happy to see me. However, Sarah and Andy could not work out their differences, so we found her a new home. But before she left, she delivered us 2 beautiful kittens....Bleu and Maxx.

Miversnits Minnie of Bellemoggie came along, too
Not long after we brought Sarah home, the lady that sold her to us called us asking us to take another older cat she needed to find a home for...this particular cat ended up being my kitty soulmate. Minnie was a blue cream persian with great markings. Minnie was Sarah's mother so we had another member of the family, so to speak. Calvin and Minn didn't really get along so well at first, but I imagine that had something to do with the fact that she beat the living snot out of him for the first month she lived with us. Minnie was the best mannered cat I have ever known. And she did a great job of making sure the other hooligans that lived with us behaved as well.....namely Bleu and Maxx. I lost Minnie to a heartattack a few years ago...and my heart has mourned ever since. I am presently looking for her to come back to me in another cat...but I think she's moved in with my cousin.

Here near the end is P. B. Maxx
Maxx was a lover. He could cuddle you until you were as furry as he was...then he wanted to do it some more. Maxx was a beautiful Flame point Himi and Bleu's brother and littermate. Those 2 were inseparable. They truely loved each other. He had the loudest purr in a cat I have ever heard...hince the name PB or PurrBox. Maxx died just a few months ago....to a Urinary Tract Infection. It was hard to lose him, since I had raised him from birth.

The Chinese Philosopher: Lincoln
Lincoln was a birthday gift for me on my 21st birthday. He was a beautiful blue persian. He was also the strangest cat I have ever met. He had absolutly NO EGO! Hard to believe isn't it? Well he didn't. My friends used to make fun of him and tell me that he looked like a Chinese philosopher becuase he would just sit and over see everything. He had an odd allergy to fleas...and in Texas that is a bad thing. We lost him to it 2 years ago. He was my snuggler and I miss him, too.

Finally there was Mel
The last little guy was Mel. We named him after my beloved Melzar. He was a beautiful Seal point himi, just like his daddy ....Calvin. Mel was mostly Andy's favorite...he really wouldn't have much to do with me. He was a sweet little kitty. Apparently, he had the same heart condition that stole Minnie away from us and he died shortly before Lincoln did. It was a hard few months for us for a little while.

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On a more serious note: Please remember to get your pets spayed and neutered. It is so much healthier for the animals....and it really does save lives.

GARFIELD is copywrited to Jim Davis. He's not paying me anything either. However, if he is interested in paying.....see my DP page.