
And now for Something
Completely Different

These Channonisms were brought to you by the
letters A, B, N, and by the number 12

Well, here's just me in a nutshell.
I'm a 6' tall, musically inclined, world traveled, Air Force brat
that loves goofin around on the computer, cross-stitching, Star Trek,
and petting my cats when I am not chasing around
my 5 yr old alien. Which by the way, is very rarely anymore.

Ok. My mother read that little sentence and told me
I didn't say enough. So I'm gonna try this one more time:
I'm a 6' tall, flute playin, piano playin, world traveled,
Air Force brat that loves goofing around on the computer,
cross-stitchin, Star Trek, petting the kitty cats, and is
completly adored by her family (I'm an only child,
I had BETTER be adored! };) )
who can usually make people smile easily,
and I manage to do all of this while chasing
around a 5 yr old alien.
(which by the way is of course the most adorable child on the planet).

There was that better Mom?

What? You want more? Well, just remember YOU asked for it.

Well, to add to all of that very infomative run on sentence.
(I love run on sentences.)
Some of my likes/dislikes and all-around turn ons&offs are:
Music (BIIIIIIG like thing goin on here),
(can you believe people really call that {shudder} music

I love kitty cats.
(I presently pay homage to a single lil furrball these days).
I can't say that I really like Iguanas.
(had to put something here, that is what I thought of.)

A big turn on for me is men in Uniforms!!!!!
But recently, thanks to a rather TALL Californian,
I've learned to really LOVE a man in a Tux!
A big turn off is someone with a serious crack problem.
(no I'm not talking about the drug thing,
though I don't like that either.

Well, enough of that and on to more important things.
I never knew that my life had no real meaning.
I had always thought of myself as a busy person. However,
these little fantasy worlds came crashing down around my ears
5 years ago this past April.
On April 21, 1995 my daughter was forced to join
the rest of the world. (I say force because she
was born by c-section) There she was,
chipmunk cheeks and all, she who changed my life.
She was born looking like her Daddy,
but she's gotten over that by now.
And is full into looking just like her Mommy.
You can see a picture of her on the other page.
{If for some reason you haven't clicked on
the picture, please make an appointment with
a doctor and get that problem taken care of!
and for crying out loud click HERE!!!}
She is, of course, the most adorable child that
has ever graced this insignificant little green planet here
in the backwaters of the Universe.
That should say something about me, huh?

Other important things that have been happening in the past few years:
Well, the alien's father and I got a divorce about a year ago.
While it is always sad to see it when things don't work
like you had originally planned,
I firmly believe things are much better for all who were involved.
As to what I tend to keep myself busy with these days,
I've taken to playing a game called EverQuest
and will have more about that on my Addictions site.
I've also had to start working full time again.
I'm doing tech support for cablemodems
And finding out all the new and improved ways
people can screw up their computers
I've also found someone who has captured my heart.
He'll be referenced here as the Californian
and you'll find pictures of him soon.
(Basically I've gotta find where I hid them)
Speaking of the way I look.

If ya REALLY wanna know, then click

More To Come!!!

My Addictions, Past and Present


The Californian!

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official
Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web