Diablo Fiends

My Diablo Fiends, er Friends!

Here's a little list of my buddies on the D game! Most of them hang out in a little place we call the
Rogues Gallery

We like to call it home.

I need to tell you a little about the RG before I list these people. First off, we don't like lamers...they are squelch bait! Our solution to them is SIMPLE

Some helpful hints as to how NOT to get squelched in the RG:

1. Don't ask "the bow" question.....The one that is presently keeping you alive is best one!

2. Don't spam. No body really likes spam. It's a government conspiracy and you're just feeding the lie by spamming.

3. Don't get insulting or insulted. Why waste energy on that when you can be having fun?!

If these few simple solutions are too hard for you to handle well then ....Too Bad!

Now for that list:
(no one's in any particular order...just as I happen to think of the names)

...~cheese~....friggame...LONGVAMP.....SeT....Babygreys......Azure Rogue.....
Sailor Jupitor.......The Unholy.............Raptor..................~ANASTASIA~.......Kat's Meow........

I know this isn't the full list...but my mind has gone blank. Please email me if I've forgotten you....I'll add you asap. :)

What, you make ask, is SO great about the RG? Well, have a seat my child and listen. To tell the truth it is just plain nifty. Not too many places you can visit where the love just oozes out of every little nook and crannie.....and this certainly isn't one of them.
This place is the best place for reaming, insults, and good natured fun. (well, not so good natured, if your fall into that lamer catagory) But still, for those Regs....well, typos are our greatest friends...er enemies, well, just click here to see some screenies of ~ANASTASIA~'s typo's...love ya ANA!!!! }8)

Hey Check out my NEWmessages board Brain Droppings!!

This is just too Fiendish for ME!:
See the Proof Aliens Exist
Semper Fi!!!
Learn about MEMEMEMEME!!!!
Aim High!
Please Help Me Feed My Child!
Yank My Chain!
The Elixer of the Heavens!
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Production Notes
See Some Stuff about My Hobbies

Diablo Inside
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Be Patient...this one takes a little bit to load, but certainly worth it.

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