Welcome to Tyndaria!
This place is dedicated to the telling of the life and times of some of Tyndaria's citizens. The Chronicles of the Reformation is a specific tale of gods, demons, lovers, assassins, wars and the occasional dragon or two. Please feel free to browse, and read about this fantastical place of magic and power.

What is Tyndaria, you ask?
Tyndaria is a fictional world, basic and built on the ideas from various rpgs, or role-playing games. It is a world that contains faniciful creatures, such as Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Dragons, Fairies, and other wonderful creatures of the imagination. It's a world where magic and technology work side by side just regions apart.

Tyndaria's main purpose is to be used
in an AD&Dgame on irc or internet relay chat. The main portion of Tyndaria's adventures happen on Thursday nights in channel #Emerald_Seat at 10pm Central time. To learn more about The Coming of the One please check the storyline area from the menu.

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All pictures, graphics, and images are the sole property of their creators and cannot be reproduced without specific permission. AD&D is copywritten to TSR, which is a registarted trademark of The Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The webmaster is no way recieving compenstaion for the use of these products. All references to Tyndaria are copywrited to Channon Lang 1998. If any information here is misstated or incorrect, me please email as quickly so that the correction can be made.